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<meta name="title" content="Oindrila Dawn" /> __NOTOC__ {{h2|Oindrila Dawn}} [[Image:Oindrila dp2.jpg|thumb|right|250px]]  
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{{h2|Oindrila Dawn}}
[[Image:Oindrila dp2.jpg|thumb|right|250px]] <br>
M.S. Computer Science <br>
Image Analysis and Communications Laboratory<br>
Department of Electrical Engineering<br>
Johns Hopkins University]]
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{{h4 | Education}}
{{h3|Contact Information}}
Johns Hopkins University <br />
Computer Science <br />
Email: odawn1@live.johnshopkins.edu
{{h5 | Developer}}
* [http://www.nitrc.org/projects/mgdm/ MGDM] - Multiple-object Geometric Deformable Model
M.S., Computer Science, Johns Hopkins University , Whiting School of Engineering, Baltimore, MD, 2011 - Present <br />
* [http://www.nitrc.org/projects/jist/ JIST] - the Java Image Science toolkit
B.Tech., Computer Science & Engineering,  Techno India, West Bengal University Of Technology, India, 2006 - 2010 <br />
* [http://www.nitrc.org/projects/toads-cruise/ TOADS-CRUISE] - MR brain segmentation and analysis tools
* [http://www.nitrc.org/plugins/mwiki/index.php/jist:CATNAP CATNAP] - Coregistration, Adjustment, and Tensor-solving - a Nicely Automated Program
* [http://www.nitrc.org/projects/mrcap MRCAP] - MR Connectome Automated Pipeline (MRCAP)
{{h5 | Supporter}}
* [http://www.nitrc.org/projects/dots DOTS] - Diffusion-Oirented Tract Segmentation
* [http://www.nitrc.org/projects/masi-fusion MASI Fusion] - Statistical and voting label fusion techniques
{{h4 | Teaching + Tips}}
* [[MedImgAnalysis2011|Medical Image Analysis 2011]]
*[[JohnTools|Some of my favorite tools]]
*[[JohnMatlabTips|Matlab tips and notes]]
**[http://iacl.ece.jhu.edu/w/images/2/24/Mia2011_matlabTut.pdf A very brief MATLAB tutorial for newcomers]
{{h4 | Research}}
{{h3|Achievements and Awards}}
*[[User:John|Research Journal]] (internal use only!)
 Awarded silver medal by the governor of West Bengal for ranking second in the university<br/>
 Awarded gold medal for securing the highest grades in my undergraduate study. <br/>
 Awarded the best trainee award at TCS <br/>

Revision as of 19:11, 31 March 2013

<meta name="title" content="Oindrila Dawn"/>

Oindrila Dawn

Oindrila dp2.jpg

M.S. Computer Science
Image Analysis and Communications Laboratory
Department of Electrical Engineering
Johns Hopkins University]]


I am currently doing my Master’s in Computer Science from Johns Hopkins University and I will be graduating in May 2013.My Master's research work mostly focuses on Visualizing and inferring High-Dimensional Medical Data.

Contact Information

Johns Hopkins University
Computer Science
Email: odawn1@live.johnshopkins.edu


M.S., Computer Science, Johns Hopkins University , Whiting School of Engineering, Baltimore, MD, 2011 - Present
B.Tech., Computer Science & Engineering, Techno India, West Bengal University Of Technology, India, 2006 - 2010

Achievements and Awards

 Awarded silver medal by the governor of West Bengal for ranking second in the university
 Awarded gold medal for securing the highest grades in my undergraduate study.
 Awarded the best trainee award at TCS